Your generosity enables us to meet our community’s most urgent needs and carry out our mission of empowering children’s lives. Foster First is grateful to all of our supporters, who have been an important part of our agency throughout the years. As a non-profit organization, we invest in programs that are key in the development of our youths.

We accept donations that will help our children and families flourish. Items like school supplies, backpacks, birthday cards, toys, hygiene products, ect. Something as vital as a backpack can give our youth a sense of dignity and value

Your generous contributions are tax deductible and support our cause of providing quality care for foster children and families. 

Here are some of the ways your donations help:

School Supplies & Involvement

Towards the beginning of every school year, with the help of our supporters, we obtain school necessities for our youth. These supplies include; backpacks, pencils, erasers, notebooks, etc. We continue to collect these items throughout the year to distribute whenever a foster child enters our agency. We also cover youth’s fees for ASB, participation in extracurricular activities, and school pictures.

Care Kits & Clothing basics

Care kits include toothbrushes, deodorant, hairbrushes, and other toiletries to help our children transition into a new home. Care kits present a sense of stability with something to call theirs. Some of our youth enter our agency with only the clothing on their backs, your donations help us reach their clothing needs.

Life Skills

We want our youth to be prepared and obtain the skills needed to have a fruitful future. With your help, we cover fees for driver’s ed classes, food handler permits, Washington IDs, and job/college preparation. In the future, we would like to operate a local thrift store to help our youth form a sense of community but also gain work and leadership skills.


We understand that virtual learning isn’t for everyone, when classes transitioned to on-line, due to COVID, we offered a tutoring program for our youth. We hope to transition this program to an after school program to continue to assist our youths with learning gaps. As youth get closer to graduation or meet an academic milestone we celebrate their achievements. In the past, we have paid for graduation pictures and created student of the month rewards.

Activities & Gifts

With the help of generous donors, we celebrate and create memorable events for our youth. Events include birthdays, haircuts, graduating from our programs, reaching permanency or reunification, holidays, summer camp, etc. Some of our youth require a higher level of care, being able to participate in activities with the capacity to service their needs like catered summer camps or outdoor events is huge. These events are possible thanks to our donors.

BRS Day Care

An obstacle we would like to conquer is providing our foster parents with extra support during working hours. We would like to have a BRS Daycare facility equipped with the level of care necessary to handle challenging behaviors. There is currently no facility in the Yakima area that offers a therapeutic level of care for children over the age of 5. Having a trained facility to attend to our BRS youth would allow foster parents to focus and thrive in their work environments. By providing a capable facility we can eliminate interruptions and constant alertness from our foster parents. With the help of your donations, we can make this possible for our community.