Frequently Asked Questions
At Foster First, we want to answer your questions and provide valuable resources you can access anytime.
From tips to get started to helpful tools for the fostering/adoption journey
From the date you place on your application, we have 90 days to complete the process.
Yes. Foster First can get all ages of children but most of the children in our program are from ages 5 to 18. You can specify the age and gender of the child in your care as is appropriate for your family, and you always reserve the right to decline the placement of a child in your home.
You can have a total of 6 children and that includes the number of biological children under the age of 18, who are in your home.
Foster parents receive a monthly reimbursement that helps cover the cost of food, clothing, and other basic needs of children and youth in care. Apple Health covers the cost of medical, dental, and counseling services for children and youth in care.
Length of foster care placements varies based on individual case circumstances that are reviewed by Foster First at the time of placement. Foster children can remain in a foster care placement a couple of months or a few years. The national average is 13.9 months nationwide until either they are reunited with their families or until the Juvenile Court orders an alternative plan of permanency placement.
No, they can share a room with another child of the same sex. They do have to have their own bed.
Yes, many of the children in our program get adopted. Foster First provides the adoption home study.